Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Ok, so color me stupid! I guess I get to now share in a little bit of the pain my wife is going through (only a minute amount though I realize). Have you ever had one of those times where you are walking and you catch your foot on something, only to realize that you just ripped your little toe off (end of the bed, dresser, etc.)? Right now I can hear all of you cringing as you know what I am talking about. Well, I didn't do that. I went even one further and managed to, at full tilt and stride, ram my foot straight into the support of one of our beds, an old bunk bed with the big, square braces. Oh yes, straight on. The big toe and little toe missed completely, the other three weren't so lucky. In my own clumsy way, I managed to break the middle toe on my right foot! It is a nice shade of purple and black through most of the toe, and most of the time feels like it needs to be yanked as if out of joint, but it is not! TRUST ME ON THIS! I did try to "re-set" it thinking I might have dislocated it. Oh no, it's broken. How does this compare to the pain my wife is going through? It really doesn't in the grand scheme of things, and I realize that, but I guess it is about as close as I want to get to all of it!

As Jackson would say, "Daddy, you're so goofy!" I guess he's right.


Jill said...

Brian, aren't you supposed to be the one to take care of everyone else right now??? Hope you heal quickly!

Schoonover Family said...

Yeah, well, I still do, just now I do it with a limp. Oh well, what are you going to do?