Friday, January 18, 2008

Please Pray!

This is just a quick post asking you to pray for our family at this time - especially my wife Jody and our unborn daughter.

As you can see from the top of the blog, Jody is not even to 25 weeks yet, and this has been a very difficult week for her. She is having anywhere from 15 to 25 contractions a day, and yesterday (Thursday) her Ob/Gyn put her on bedrest. This morning we are going to see her perinatologist (they specialize in premature/high risk pregnancies) and today we will find out if her bedrest can be at home, or if she will have to go to the hospital, which would be very hard on her and on our two very active boys at home!

We are praying that she can make it to at least March 17 (33 weeks) which was the timing of our youngest son's birth.

One blessing and positive note is that Jody still feels the baby alot, so for that we are very grateful.

Thank you for your prayers, and I will post an update later.

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