Tuesday, February 27, 2007

This IS Minnesota!

It only took about 5 years, but we finally got a snowstorm kind of worth talking about. We had about a total of 12 inches (I know, for Minnesota that seems small), but it makes us glad we don't live in those areas of New York. We have gotten about 22 inches on the year, with another 6-12 inches supposed on the way the rest of this week, and that is about how much some of those areas out east got in a 24 hour span! At least the boys get to play with their new sled more now.

1 comment:

Mommy said...

We brought the snow back with us from Colorado:) Right now it's about 60 degrees in the mountains that we came from. I'm not sure yet why we moved back, but I'm sure it will come to me soon...